Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Assignments 5 - Steve Jobs' Adress

(a)The expressions you learn from his talk:

※The only way to do great work is to love what you do.If you haven't found it yet, keeping.

※Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

※Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thought.

※The dots will connect in future


For a long time, I hadn’t encouraged from anything, but this “Steve Jobs’ commencement address” really stirs my heart. Especially for industrial design,
Apple is the most influential company. And my major is industrial design.
Therefore, the relationship between Steve Jobs and I are quite close.
I don’t deny that I never search the Steve Jobs on webs before doing this report, even though he is well-known. However, after watching Jobs’ video, I believe that he has a talent to persuade people into something. Of course, most people without such a dramatic life like Jobs. In other words, no one wants to face the unbelievable condition announced by someone.
Since we can’t experience what Jobs was done, we should learn with him. More experience we learn, more precise decision we make. Here I must thank Jobs and his three stories which all influence me. I feel new energy to be poured to my heart that let me keep my choice go on. Think you again, Steve Jobs.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Assignment 4

TOPIC 1 : A day at school

Kiritsu" and "rei." Now what are those?

It means "stand up, bow."

How difficult to recognize Child's pronunciation.

TOPIC 2 : Answering Machine

That wrapping things up sometime is mean finish a thing.

drop by = invite to someone

TOPIC 3 : A Student Credit Card


sky-high = very expensive

spend yourself in a hole:
spend too much that leads to heavy debt


This site is very good for me. In the past, I want to search kind of this site, but
I didn't find. I like its first test and quiz that score to me ; it'a a big advantage.
In fact I consider the grade of medium is difficult. However, I will try to understand it by using this site. That's all.