Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I got the reply.

My question: When I talking to the foreiner, I always so nervous. How to overcome this feeling? Please teach me some tips. Thank you!

The reply 1: Practise , practise, practise!
Practise describing words and paraphrasing so that if you do not know the word in English you can describe it. That way the conversation does not break down.
My thinking:
I consider this teacher's suggestion is the most important thing: learn more word. Maybe I need spend some time reading my English magazine.

The reply 2: If you are in a position where you are expected to be fluent in English- then it's difficult, I can imagine (from my own experience).

If not- then don't be nervous, you are not expected to be fluent, you are a foreigner (in English), it's OK to make mistakes, it's not your native language. Though I know it's easy to say....(a sigh).
My thinking:
Well, I can't imagine that I fluent speak english. My goal is very simple: Let the people speaking english to know my meaning, that's all.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Assignments 10- BBC Message Board:

This is my question: When I talking to the foreiner, I always so nervous. How to overcome this feeling? Please teach me some tips. Thank you!

Although I don't do this homework on time, I still ask my question on that web. Maybe my description is no correct and clear; therefore, I don't receive any answer.

I will ask again using another sentences later.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Assignment 9

I like online open courseware, bust it's course isn't all on the web. So, if I want to learn some couse that just belong to someone university,
but it's not finded in the open courseware, that will make me angry. Second, open courseware just a vedio. Maybe I even not understand the content,
however, teacher just repeat the last sentence. The exercise be downloaded still come across the same problem: no any professor in that university
will help you.
In spite of the two problem exist for me, I even would like to try it, because it's all free.